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Reset: It's time to end the burnout cycle

Welcome to my blog! The place where I discuss burnout and how you can take control of your life again!

Psychologist, Life Coach, Burnout Coach

As a psychologist, life coach, and wellness strategist who has worked in the field for over a decade, I know firsthand how burnout can dramatically impact your life.

I have experienced burnout at various stages and in different areas of my life [stay tuned for more on this in another blog!].

I went from thinking "I'm okay... It's not too bad..." to thinking "I can't do this... I don't want to do this."


Does any of this sound familiar?

  • You are strained at work or at home.

  • You have trouble sleeping? Either you don't sleep or it is not restful.

  • You need more and more time to recover from stress.

  • You feel emotionally, physically, and mentally exhausted by all of the things you have to do.

  • You are currently unmotivated with tasks you used to enjoy.

While these are several warning signs of burnout, they are not the only signs. There are MANY indicators or RED FLAGS that show you are burning out or headed down the path of burnout.

Red flags of burnout

Honestly, you only need to identify one red flag to realize something needs to change!

BUT that rarely happens right!! We wait until we have ULTIMATE CONFIRMATION. We want tons of red flags before we decide it's time to change.

Sometimes we wait until we are that car on the side of the road!

You know what I mean. You have seen it and thought "OH NO THAT SUCKS!"

Perhaps the car ran out of gas and just stopped...

Or perhaps the driver failed to get the car checked out and a part stopped working properly....

Or perhaps the driver pushed the car too hard and a piece just POPPED or SNAPPED!

Regardless of the reason, the car is not working and you can't reach your destination without spending more time and energy to fix it.


Is this you?

Burnout is like a car broken down or ready to break down

Are you the car on the side of the road?

Maybe you haven't broken down YET, but you feel yourself sputtering and know that you may stop at any time.

Or maybe you have one or more lights on your dashboard that let you know maintenance is required!

Are you ready to admit something needs to be fixed?

The reality is, you cannot go at the same pace or even make it to your destination without making a change.


You need to reset

If you found yourself nodding or saying "Yes... that's me" throughout any of this blog then you may need a reset.

And, know this... if you feel like you are caught in the relentless cycle of exhaustion and you feel overwhelmed by the demands of daily life, YOU ARE NOT ALONE!

Reset or Restart your life after burnout

Burnout is a significant and damaging state that affects many of us at different points in our lives.

That is why this blog was created!

I don't want you to simply acknowledge the existence of burnout- I want to help you end the burnout cycle!

Let's STOP dismissing the warning signs and normalizing stress and overwhelm.

Let's START identifying the warning signs for what they are: SIGNS that something is wrong. You cannot fix what you don't acknowledge is a problem.

Have the courage to RESET!


What to expect

This blog is your guide to understanding burnout, restoring daily rhythms, finding joy in the everyday, enhancing your overall wellness and reclaiming your well-being.

It's a space where we'll explore practical strategies, share personal stories, and foster a community of support.

In the coming weeks, we'll dive into various aspects of burnout, from its warning signs to its impact on physical and mental health. We'll explore effective coping mechanisms, mindfulness practices, and actionable steps to cultivate resilience.


Start now

Are you ready to press RESET and embark on a journey toward a more fulfilling life?

Revive your life after burnout.

Stay tuned for regular updates, tips, and stories to help you reclaim your energy, passion, and purpose.

It's time to end the burnout cycle and embrace a life that truly feels rejuvenated.

As you begin, I want you to remember this one thing... Your journey is uniquely yours.

You may have different challenges. You may have a different pace. You may have different resources. You may be in a completely different location. That's okay!! Celebrate each victory, embrace the lessons, and be patient with yourself as you navigate YOUR path of renewal.

It's time to press RESET and end the burnout cycle!

Your new you starts today!

Peace + Joy


Psychologist, Life Coach, Burnout Coach, Burnout Warrior


If you want help with ending burnout and restoring all areas of your life, check out my REVIVE Individual Coaching Program. Click Here to Learn More!

For starters, you can download my Banish Burnout Guide which will give you some simple tips to prevent burnout or start ending burnout now. Click Here for the GUIDE.

Let's stay connected!! Follow my Instagram @drbrennasquires and YouTube channel for videos and posts.

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