Take Advantage of This Vital Step to Reset and Revitalize Your Life
Welcome to RESET, where we explore the path to ending burnout and reclaiming a life of balance, purpose, and well-being.
In this blog post, we'll delve into the crucial topic of recognizing the warning signs of burnout... the vital first step in preventing serious consequences and reviving your life.
What are Warning Signs:
A warning sign is an indicator that something needs our attention. It prompts us to let us know that something may be wrong and allows us to get a head start on repairing it before more harm is done.
Sometimes warning signs appear and remain present, while other times they are intermittent.
Whether these warning signs are on the dashboard of our vehicle, in our body, or in relationships... they all mean the same thing: Something bad (or worse) is coming if you do not do something about this.
Understanding more about the potential threat is the first step in preventing major damage.
I immediately think of the movie Lost in Space when the robot says Danger Will Robinson DANGER! The robot was trying to warn Will in an effort to save him.
WARNING SIGNS are there to HELP SAVE US from harm. It's our mind and body's way of saying look at me... I need help!
As you read the list of warning signs below, notice how many you are experiencing. If you are nodding or saying "YES" to one or more... tell yourself Danger (say your name) DANGER!
Multifaceted Warning Signs:
Warning signs come in different shapes, sizes, and colors. They are placed in different settings and result from different reasons. While some are more important that others, they are all key in preventing harm.
Here are some key warning signs you should be aware of:
Physical and Emotional Exhaustion:
Feeling drained, both physically and emotionally, despite adequate rest.
Frequent headaches, muscle tension, and a weakened immune system.
Decreased Performance and Productivity:
Noticing a decline in work quality and a struggle to meet deadlines.
Difficulty concentrating and a sense of detachment from responsibilities.
Increased Cynicism and Detachment:
Developing a cynical outlook towards work, colleagues, or life in general.
Withdrawing emotionally and socially, creating a sense of isolation.
Lack of Satisfaction and Accomplishment:
Persistent feelings of dissatisfaction and a sense of unfulfillment.
Failing to see the value or impact of your work, leading to a loss of motivation.
If you ignore the warning signs of burnout, your issues will spread to more areas of your life and may lead to increased discouragement and hope fatigue. You may be left with consequences that are much more difficult to fix and likely more expensive!
The Problem with Waiting:
It's unhelpful to ignore the warning signs for too long. It may seem challenging to make that shift... especially if you are already feeling overwhelmed or fatigued.
I want to encourage you to start making changes as soon as possible. If you want to wait, let me caution you. You may be Fine for now. But think about it... what is it going to take for you to be ready to make a change?
Are you waiting for your body to force you to rest. If so... DON'T DO IT (yes, that is me shouting in text). I've been there and it is NOT FUN! It is so frustrating to sit there knowing that when you try to get up, it's going to take you about 1 minute to fully stand up and you may lose balance; and then it will take 5 or 10 minutes to go to the next room.
Are you waiting for the doctor to tell you that you know have a medical disease or mental health disorder? That often leads to its own risks of trial and error treatments that may be unhelpful or cause more harm.
There are many reasons why you may want to wait to reset your life, but NONE are worth it. Don't let life just pass you by. You deserve more than that!
And for those of you that said "Yes! I'm ready! I was ready before you reminded me why I shouldn't wait!" I'm happy for you. I am glad you are ready to take the next step to regain control over your life.
Next Steps:
I want to share with you 2 tips on how to begin your reset.
#1- Start with one thing
Don't try to change too many things at once. Identify one area that is causing you stress and reduce time, energy, and/or resources directed at that area.
For example, if you are frustrated with work, you can try one of the following:
Work fewer hours (especially if you are over 40 hours/ week)
Put less physical energy in all of your tasks. (Good and done is good enough for now)
Take a day off
Add in more breaks throughout the day
Leave all of your work at work. (if you work from home, leave your work in your designated work station)
#2- Be kind despite your circumstances
Be kind to yourself and be kind to others.
Don't be so hard on yourself. I know... easier said than done. I am a recovering perfectionist and I am very much aware of this each time I push myself to publish something in that is not "perfect" in my eyes. Often times, reaching for perfection adds unnecessary stress because the reality is no one (I repeat NO ONE) noticed the "imperfections" but you. And the one that noticed either didn't care or their opinion doesn't matter.
Remind yourself you are the best that you can do and that is good enough! It's okay to make mistakes. It's okay to change your mind. You are making progress.
Don't be so hard on others. They may be trying to help and don't know how. They may not be as invested in completing the task the way you want it done. They are also going through something.
Overall, small steps add up and kindness only helps.
Until next time!
Peace + Joy
I'm here for you!
If you want help with ending burnout and restoring all areas of your life, check out my REVIVE Individual Coaching Program. Click Here to Learn More!
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